By: Thomas Graham
Austin’s violent crime rate was down 6 percent in 2015, according to the front-page lead article in the American-Statesman. A lot of credit should go to Art Acevedo, our chief of police. Art graciously credits his officers for the downtick, but he unmistakably is a key reason for the improvement.
I’m not equipped to evaluate police work, but my colleagues at Crosswind Media and PR and I know something about communications. And we know a first-class communicator when we see one. And, I’ve known Art personally since before he moved to Austin almost 10 years ago.
He has the skills of a leader: vision, values and authenticity. And he communicates them clearly.
Art always states his case with clarity, brevity and confidence. Even when he has to deliver bad news, he conveys optimism about outcomes. He uses humor effectively when appropriate, and empathy – for crime victims, for the families of officers struck down in the line of duty, for the poor and needy – is always authentically present.
He uses these skills expertly to build support for his goals, including a community of support and the leadership of a well-staffed, team-oriented police department.
Not many of us can be an Art Acevedo. He seems to come about his skills naturally. Truth is, he’s a practiced and skilled communicator, which augments his strong values to make him an effective leader.
We work with executives to provide media and presentation training, helping to find and articulate their Leadership Voice through their knowledge, expertise and authenticity. If you desire to lead effectively, you can look to our chief of police. And give me a call.
Read the original Austin American-Statesman piece here.
Thomas Graham is founder, president and CEO of Crosswind Media and PR.

Thomas Graham
President & CEO
Corporate Communications and Media Strategy