Good morning!

We wanted to share some exciting news about a new addition to the Crosswind team. We are thrilled and honored to announce that one of the most respected journalists in the country and former editor of the Austin American-Statesman, Rich Oppel, Sr., is joining our team as a senior advisor for media strategy and management.
Over a career spanning almost five decades from Washington, D.C. to the Carolinas and Texas, Rich has distinguished himself as a thoughtful, thorough and fair journalist. While editor of The Charlotte Observer, Rich led his staff to three Pulitzers, including two Pulitzer Gold Medals for Meritorious Public Service. His viewpoints and insights come after great thought and reflection and through the type of experience that will benefit the Crosswind team and our clients here in Texas and around the world.
Our Events + Experiences group was launched last year following our successful production of the Flood Aid Texas fundraising event, designed to help our clients engage audiences in more meaningful and motivational ways. It aims to create not just another corporate outing or concert, but an experience that elevates your brand, engages your audience and motivates them to act. From corporate outings like Accudyne’s Industry Envision 2018 Retreat, to the Salvation Army’s “Doing the Most Good” luncheon, we strive to create unique and compelling experiences that connect people and brands. |
In today’s 24/7 media environment, it’s not a matter of whether you will have a crisis, but when. Our team will lead oil and gas industry experts through a crisis communications planning seminar at the Offshore Technology Conference.
Join us for a free breakfast on Tuesday May 3rd in Houston, Texas and hear from leading industry professionals from ExxonMobil, Statoil and Murphy Oil on how to develop and test an effective crisis response plan using the four phases of crisis communications: Planning, Practice, Response and Recovery. If you’re interested in attending, register today! |