IQBG updates
We've been brought on by the University of Texas at Austin to perform digitization of paper documents with the goal of having the content reside in a secure, easily accessible Enterprise Content and Records Management (ECRM) repository. Once digital versions are quality checked and validated against paper copies, the paper will be shredded thus saving the University the costs associated with managing and storing the paper content. We will be responsible for scanning, indexing (both metadata and full text through Optical Character Recognition processing), performing quality control and validation, and producing digital content in the form of PDF/A documents and an XML export file that enables ingestion of the content and indices into the ECRM repository. We will initially be digitizing two content collections for the University: Annual Operating Budgets from fiscal year 1951 through fiscal year 2002; and, Legislation Appropriations Requests fiscal year 52-53 through fiscal year 06-07.