U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D) raised $8.5 million over the first 17 days of October while competitor U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R) brought in $5.2 million. During this time, O'Rourke spent $21 million and Cruz spent out $9.7 million. Now, O'Rourke has $10.3 million and Cruz has $6.7 million.
Crosswind Polling
Crosswind’s September 18, 2018 Texas Pulse poll indicated Cruz leading by 3 points, with a 4-point margin of error.
Other Polls
CNN showed Cruz with a 7-point lead. NY Times showed Cruz leading by 8 points. Quinnipiac showed Cruz up 9 points. CBS News/YouGov showed Cruz leading by 6 points. Emerson showed neither candidate breaking the majority, with Cruz ahead by just 5%.
According to the most recent filings, Governor Greg Abbott has raised $29 million. Abbott's competitor, Lupe Valdez, has raised $222,000 for her election campaign.
Crosswind Polling
Crosswind’s September 18, 2018 Texas Pulse poll indicated Governor Greg Abbott leading by 13 points with 52%, and competitor Lupe Valdez at 39%.
In September of this year, Crosswind conducted our own poll asking over 800 Texas voters about issues within the state. See our results and responses down below to find out what's getting voters' attention this election season!
Thanks to NPR’s Austin station, KUT, for their great, informative series “Meet the 2018 Austin City Council Candidates,” which provides informative overviews of each candidate per district. See the links below to get to know your choices with it comes to local representation!
District 1
Mitrah Avini
Lewis Conway Jr.
Vincent Harding
Natasha Harper-Madison
Mariana Salazar
Reedy Spigner
District 3
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
Susana Almanza
Jessica Cohen
Justin Jacobson
Amit Motwani
James Valadez
District 8
Rich DePalma
Paige Ellis
Bobby Levinski
Frank Ward III
District 9
Kathie Tovo
Isiah Jones
Linda O’Neal
Danielle Skidmore
Austin voters will have the opportunity to weigh in on several initiatives this election cycle – from affordable housing to public safety and transportation. Below are the bond propositions Austinites can prepare to see on the ballot, seven of which are tax-supported, general obligations bonds totally $925 million (Propositions A-G) and will carry a 2% property tax rate increase for the next 30 years if passed. Propositions H – K theoretically would not impact property taxes. For more information on the below propositions, see 2018 Bond: Our Community. Our Future.
Proposition A: Affordable Housing | $250 million
Proposition B: Libraries, Museums, and Cultural Arts Facilities | $128 million
Proposition C: Parks and Recreation | $149 million
Proposition D: Flood Mitigation, Open Space, and Water Quality Protection | $184 million
Proposition E: Health and Human Services | $16 million
Proposition F: Public Safety | $38 million
Proposition G: Transportation Infrastructure | $160 million
Proposition H: City Charter Amendment
Proposition I: Proofreading
Proposition J: Land Code Amendment Process Changes
Proposition K: Conduct an Internal Audit of the City
Texas Secretary of State Elections and Voter Information