Crosswind Newsletter 10.14.16

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Week of November 14, 2016

What does the general election mean for Texas?

Not since the 17 years that Sam Rayburn served as Speaker of the U.S. House in the mid-20th century has Texas had such power in Congress as it does today. With seven chairmanships and John Cornyn serving as Senate assistant majority leader, Texas is sure to be heard as President-elect Donald Trump assembles his administration and looks for political support.  
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Texans elect Trump to Oval Office, as predicted

For the majority of the United States, November 8, 2016 was nothing short of suspenseful. As pollsters at the Washington Post, New York Times and just about every political blog (even the award-winning FiveThirtyEight) would tell you, Trump’s odds of winning were slim to none. So on election night, both Americans and international spectators watched in awe as the results rolled in, many taking to social media to voice their concerns.
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Forbes: Practical Tips For Cybersecurity This Cyber Monday

“There is no such thing as a hack-proof device. Anywhere. Ever."
Cyber Monday has become so embedded in our online shopping culture that millennials may not remember a time without it – it’s a contemporary holiday “tradition.” From Fitbits and wearables to tablets and connected children’s toys, IoT devices will be flying off cyber-store shelves and into consumers’ online carts on November 28th. However, as connectivity grows, so do our risks.  
Reg Harnish, CEO of GreyCastle Security,  tells consumers how to protect themselves this #CyberMonday.
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Vox: 1 in 5 people say they change their political views due to social media

"A new Pew Research Center study has shown that despite the common wisdom that politics and social pleasantries don’t mix very well, political discussion that happens on social media could be changing the minds of many who witness it. In fact, one out of every five people who saw that angry rant or funny political meme you posted on Facebook just might have been convinced by it."
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