WCS Newsletter May


Serving the State and Nation

WCS is a critical infrastructure per Department of Homeland Security policy. We remain hard at work while social distancing to meet customer needs and ensure the safety of the community. We are proud of our dedicated employees who continue to provide our necessary services to the state and the nation.

WCS Heroes

We are in awe of how our employees have stepped up to serve the community in this time of need. We are proud to be a part of this family.

WCS employee Brittney Reed is serving the state of New Mexico as front line support for medical supplies. We are honored to know this hero.
WCS Director of Quality Assurance, Jeff Shouse, joined other members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in making 340 face masks for the Andrews community. Forty-five of them also went to the animal hospital in Odessa where Jeff's daughter works as a vet. Great work!

Introducing Captain Cask

Meet Captain Cask! He can withstand earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and floods. He’d like to share a few coloring sheets and activity pages with your children. You can download them at the links below:
Did You Know?
The WCS site is built on top of 600 feet of impermeable Dockum red-bed clay, providing a natural barrier that will remain geologically stable for millennia.
Learn More
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