Texas Pulse 2016 Q1


Leading up to Super Tuesday, a statewide poll of likely voters finds that Senator Ted Cruz has a commanding lead in the GOP race in Texas. Among the 620 likely Republican voters, 38 percent chose Texas Senator Cruz over 26 percent for Trump. 

This represents an improvement over our previous poll in September showing Cruz trailing Trump 26 to 15 percent. GOP voters cited the “ability to change Washington” as the number one reason for choosing their candidate. 

Hillary Clinton remains strong in Texas with a 40 point lead over Bernie Sanders, 66-26 percent, an improvement from September’s poll when she led 55-21 percent. 

These are some of the latest findings of the Texas Pulse, a periodic survey of Texans' opinions on a variety of cultural, economic and political issues, jointly conducted by Crosswind Media & Public Relations and The Austin-American Statesman from February 19-22 using a survey of 1,031 Texans. 

Why poll Texas?

As of 2016, Texas is home to four of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500, and home to 54 overall. Texas grossed more than $279.69 billion a year in exports - more than California and New York combined. As a sovereign country, Texas would be the 12th largest economy in the world by GDP, ahead of South Korea and Australia.

Texas matters, and what Texans think matters as well. The Texas Pulse is intended to provide a guide for those who seek to understand and do business in Texas. 

To learn more, visit atxne.ws/1Up5gtP or email Crosswind Vice President James Bernsen at [email protected] 

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