Registry Response (out-of-state) February 17

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Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry

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Thank you for registering your pet with the Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry! 

While we are thrilled to have received an overwhelming number of entries to the registry, at this time we only have the capacity to work with pets and owners in Texas. Since we’ve received so many out-of-state registrations, it is clear to us that we need to take this registry to the national level – however we are not able to accommodate such a task currently.
But we know how important your pet is to you and we want to help in whatever way we can. On the TVCR website you will find a list of clinical trials taking place across the country. Here are links to help you find them: 
Clinical Trials
National Database
Veterinary Cancer Society
We also strongly suggest searching for veterinary oncologists in your area for more expedient treatment. We appreciate your support for our organization and hope you will share TVCR’s work with fellow pet lovers. 
The Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry
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