Registry Response (in-state) April 20

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Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry

Keep in Touch

Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. Keep up with the latest in pet news on our blog, Facebook and Twitter

Thank you for registering your pet with the Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry! 

We are thrilled to have received such an overwhelming number of applicants to the registry. We are working quickly to investigate if your pet is potentially eligible for our clinical trials and will be in touch with you soon to let you know of the clinical trials where your pet may be considered.

In the meantime, please visit our
website for a list of clinical trials across the country and a list of veterinary oncologists in your area and share TVCR's work with fellow pet lovers. We appreciate your support of our organization and encourage you to make a donation to help fund pet cancer research and TVCR.

Please make checks payable to:
CARE Foundation
4920 Firestone Drive
College Station, Texas 77845
The Texas Veterinary Cancer Registry

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