Newsletter #2- Task Force Update



I hope everyone is hanging in there and staying safe. Compared to other counties in Texas, the number of cases in Nueces County is significantly lower with 90 confirmed cases and 1 death. Let’s lead by example and continue practicing safety precautions. 

Exciting things are ahead for us. In the last newsletter I mentioned that we will be launching a website and social media pages. You can view the current progress of the site here. Please submit your feedback, suggestions, or additional resources to [email protected] 

We’re also working on two programs: LEAP, a jail diversion program, and a peer recovery program to support our local emergency rooms. We will continue to distribute Narcan and making it available for all and will offer training, jobs, housing and transportation to recovering individuals. 


“The key to managing this increased pain is to better manage the stress and anxiety that led to increased pain. Increasing pain medications is generally the wrong response in such a circumstance.”
- Dr. Mitchell Engle 

Local medical experts Dr. John Lusins and Dr. Mitchell Engle are joining our team to help educate the importance of pain management and coping with anxiety and depression.

A note to healthcare workers from Dr. Lusins:


“There is no simple answer to how healthcare workers should and can handle this newfound and unexpected stress. Balancing our duty with our obligations to family, friends, and even our patients has never been more difficult. The best answer is communication. With communication, our colleagues, support systems, and even our administrators can be aware and help respond when we need help. Staying mindful and practicing self-awareness has never been more important. Take that moment to ground yourself, sit in your car in silence for five minutes or grab a cup of coffee outside after your shift. Monitor your alcohol intake and do not give in to the thoughts that you need more due to stress. Reach out to services such as a therapist (locally or online) or a psychiatrist. The effect of this increase in stress can last for months or years after the pandemic is over, so staying vigilant is important. You’ve got this.”

Please continue to practice these tips to help manage stress and anxiety:

  • Commit to any form of physical activity such as walking, riding a bicycle, or an online fitness class.
  • Make sure you get sufficient sleep.
  • Consider reducing your caffeine intake.
  • Call and reconnect with friends and family that you have not spoken to in a while.
  • Use meditation or mindfulness apps like Headspace to help ease your mind.
  • Engage in hobbies like reading, working on a puzzle or writing, that can distract you from the constant news cycles.
 Just a reminder, Starlite Recovery is open during this time if you need to refer Substance Abuse or Behavioral Health clients for detox and residential treatment.

I’d also like to thank Janna Shoe for sharing her data from the 2-1-1 calls. We appreciate you for helping those in need during this difficult time.

Looking forward to the launch and working with all of you.
Stay positive. Stay safe. Stay blessed.
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