The 3rd Annual Texas Firearms Festival is October 14th-16th
The Texas Firearms Festival is right around the corner! We are excited for this three day event. As we enter into the final weeks of preparation we would like to bring some important information to your attention. We will be providing you with daily highlights and reminders to ensure that all basis are being touched and met. In the process of all this we would also like to take the time to thank you for your time and involvement as it would be amazing without you!
Best of the West Shooting Sports
19500 W. SH 29, Liberty Hill, Texas 78642
* Please be sure that you have read over the The Texas Firearms Festival Safety Packet. If you have not done so or you do not have it please download by pushing the RED button.
If you have not sent your Certificate of Insurance in please send it to or to the following addresses:
If you have not received an exhibitors packet please eamil Casey Normandin at
If you are receiving a flag or banner you have until 10/1 to send your artwork to Casey Normandin at
If you are in need of additional furniture such as tables, chairs, flooring, Please email Casey Normandin at
If you have any questions, please contact Nick Leghorn at
*Most importantly don't forget to share this event via social media to spread the word to those around you. It is a great way to inform and educate those who may be interested in such an awesome event.