Important Updates from the Texas Firearms Festival 
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The 3rd Annual Texas Firearms Festival is October 14th-16th

The Texas Firearms Festival is a little over a week away! As we enter into the final days of preparation we want to be sure all details are being finalized. The daily highlights and reminders will have listed items that are needed to ensure that you, our valued exhibitors, are well-prepared for the event.

From everyone at the Texas Firearms Festival, we want to thank you for your time and involvement in this year's Festival. It would not be possible without you!

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT: Rick Perry promoting the Texas Firearms Festival!

Please take a moment to hear what Rick Perry has to say about the Texas Firearms Festival. Follow the link below.



  • Keep promoting the Festival!
    •  Please continue to share the details of the Festival with your  customers and friends! Social media is a great way to spread the word.           
  • Safety Packet
    • Download your Safety Packet HERE. If you have any questions please contact our Range Safety Officer Nick Leghorn at [email protected] 
  • Submit your Certificate of Insurance
    • Please send your COI to [email protected] or to the following addresses: 
      • Crosswind Communications LLC: P.O. Box 264, Austin, TX 78767
      • TIFF LLC: 10504 Prickly Poppy Cove, Austin, TX 78733
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