Clients in the News:

Catch our client, Kevin Lacz, author of the bestseller, “The Last Punisher,” tonight on The O’Reilly Factor

Hear Kevin’s perspective on the Nice terror attack tomorrow morning on Fox & Friends

What we are reading:

‘Call To Prayer’ Came In Ramadi, Then People ‘Evaporated’ From The Streets, And This SEAL Knew What Was Coming Next

After the call to prayer, the usual action began on the streets. When a family doesn’t come out of their house in the morning, their neighbors know something’s going on. The body language on the street was a whole lot of combat rubbernecking. Read more.

Questions & Kill Counts: Notions from the Wife of a Former Navy SEAL

“How do you sleep next to him knowing he’s killed people?”

The first time someone asked me that question, I stared at her blankly. I didn’t have an answer. I fumbled through a justification for his killing: the dispatch of bad men in a far away desert who deserved to die weren’t murders. They were actions committed far away, and for the right reasons. I changed the subject. Read more.